Bright Idea: Simple and Strategic Monthly Giving Campaign


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Who They Are

Mobilize Love is a nonprofit based in the San Francisco area that has a fleet of outreach trucks that provide mobile human services. They identify needs in the community and work with community partners to offer complimentary or subsidized work for those in need.

Mobilize Love’s outreach vehicles are deployed throughout San Francisco to help as many children and families as possible. Their fleet includes a laundry truck, stage truck for after-school programs, food truck, wellness truck, and a stories truck.

Mobilize Love hosted a successful outreach event pictured above.

What They Did

Mobilize Love has a recurring giving campaign for donors called FUEL, and they got creative when it came to promoting the program to their supporters. They were strategic in their positioning and took the opportunity to highlight their monthly giving campaign via a thank-you email in the aftermath of a successful outreach event.

What we love about their recurring giving campaign is that not only do they have their embedded form front and center on their website next to impact statements, but they’ve capitalized on the momentum of a successful outreach event to draw more awareness to their ongoing needs, thus creating a reliable source of income for their mission! We love that when they asked donors to join their monthly giving campaign in their follow-up email, they branded it as “joining a community of monthly donors.”

Mobilize Love paired their embedded monthly giving form on their site next to mission impact statements.

What You Can Do

Do you have a monthly or recurring giving campaign? If not, this is your sign to make one! Recurring giving is a brilliant strategy to include in your overall income plan. In our blog, Why You Should Start a Recurring Giving Program, we explore the benefits of creating a consistent source of income and how to best tap into your most reliable donors.

Another strategy for creating stable income streams is giving plans. What are giving plans you ask? They’re a little different than the standard recurring giving campaigns we’ve discussed so far. Instead of setting up a regular donation amount for an unspecified length of time, donors can break up a larger donation amount over a set length of time. For example, if a donor wanted to give $1,000 to your organization, they could choose to break that amount up into 10 monthly payments of $100 each.

With Qgiv’s Start package, you’re able to create unlimited donation forms so getting started with a monthly giving campaign is fast and easy. We’re here to help every step of the way!

If you’re already using Qgiv’s donation forms and want to learn more about setting up giving plans or implementing a recurring giving campaign, you can contact our Customer Experience team for help– or 888.855.9595.

Not a customer and interested in learning more? Schedule a demo with our team today!

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